
Schillerstrasse 14
73773 Aichwald
Phone +49 711 2263401

Amtsgericht Stuttgart
HRB-Nr.: 765168
USt-ID Nr.: DE318377619

Responsible Data Protection Authority:
Country Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information in Baden-Württemberg
PO Box 10 29 32
70025 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 6155410

Managing Director:
Marcell Schopper


Disclaimer: is not affiliated with SAP SE or one of its affiliated companies.

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external sites. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their website-owners. The layout of the website and the graphics, images, texts and contents used are protected by copyright and may not be used for purposes other than purely private purposes without the prior consent of etageDIGITAL GmbH. In particular, public communication or alteration of the contents is not permitted. All rights, including those of photomechanical reproduction, duplication and distribution by means of special processes (for example, data processing, data carriers and data networks), also in part, are subject to the approval of etageDIGITAL GmbH.

We use your data exclusively in the context of our Internet offer and strictly adhere to the rules of data protection laws. Your personal data will only be collected by us through our internet offer to the extent technically necessary. The data required in the course of the transaction will be processed and stored by us using a computer system. Personal data will be treated confidentially. We undertake not to sell the collected data. Personal data collected as part of an initiative application or job application will only be disclosed to third parties with the consent of the person concerned. Third parties are exclusively companies that cooperate with etageDIGITAL GmbH in the course of job appointments. A passing on to third for other purposes does not take place. Of course, you have the option to inquire about the data stored about you at any time.

All person names are to be understood as a generic masculine and involve both genders equally.